After you have been selected for a hunt, you will receive an email from MBRB that will instruct you to attend a mandatory orientation meeting. You MUST attend the orientation meeting, or an alternate will take your spot. You must bring proof of any MBRB requirements that you are missing, i.e. your bowhunter education class certificate, proficiency test certificate, etc. You should arrive early to the meeting so that you can get registered. If you are missing any MBRB requirements, you will not be permitted to participate in the hunt
During the meeting, specific hunt rules, hunt areas, and any special requirements will be explained. Assignments to specific hunt areas will be made; this will usually be based on hunter ranking as selected by the computer in the drawing. In other words, the first hunter selected in the drawing will be called first to choose where and when they wish to hunt. The highest-ranking hunter (last one selected in the computer drawing) will take the last remaining hunt spot. There will be one or more MBRB hunt coordinators for each hunt. The hunt coordinators are responsible to assure the hunt operates safely, efficiently, and that all of the hunt rules are followed.
What happens at the orientation meetings?
1. MBRB Hunter Applications
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