Blog Archives
Things to consider when applying for hunts?
1. Only apply for hunts that your proficiency qualification allows you to hunt, whether it be “standard proficiency” or “sharpshooter proficiency”. Someone with sharpshooter proficiency can apply for hunts requiring only standard proficiency, but not the other way around. 2. … Continue reading →
What is the deadline to apply for hunts?
The deadline to apply for ALL HUNTS is August 14th, 23:59. There has been some confusion about this. The “application” deadline date of July 31 23:59 is different than any deadline when applying for a hunt. Each hunt is described … Continue reading →
How are hunt participants selected?
A preference point system was put in place in 2013. Each year you renew your participation in MBRB you receive a preference point. You can now rank your hunt selection by priority. Those who apply for a hunt as first … Continue reading →
What is the special hunt category?
There are occasions where MBRB is called upon to do a special hunt that is often on small properties very close to residences, etc. These hunts are usually very high profile and there is zero tolerance for wounded deer. Therefore … Continue reading →
What if I can’t make an orientation meeting?
All selected hunters MUST be present at the orientation meeting. There is no room for negotiation. This is a requirement of MBRB and the participating landowners. It is a rigid requirement and there are no exceptions. Also note that if … Continue reading →
What if I can’t make part of a hunt?
If you are selected for a hunt and can’t make part of it you must communicate it to your coordinator in time to find a replacement. If you fail to do so you may be excused from the rest of … Continue reading →
Is it possible someone can participate in more than one hunt?
A hunter can only be selected as a primary hunter once per year. In addition to that, a hunter can be selected as an alternate for other hunts. At the orientation meeting, if primary hunters don’t show up then the … Continue reading →
How do I get notified I was selected for a hunt?
The draw system automatically sends an email to all hunters who are selected for a hunt at the time of the drawing. Logging into your account and going to Hunts|Apply for hunts also will present you with Lottery Results if … Continue reading →
I have not taken my Bowhunters certification class. Can I still apply and what do I do with it when I get it?
We do require you to have proof of your Bowhunter Education before applying for hunts. As of 2014, the requirement has changed so that it now only requires passing the online written class – no field day is required any … Continue reading →
How do I apply for hunts?
Introduced in 2013 was the ability to select a hunt and assign a rank/priority to it. When applying for hunts you will be presented a list of hunts with check boxes. As you check the boxes, those hunts will be … Continue reading →